It’s time to do an article update explaining a bit more on the videos posted lately, so I will go over them briefly:

10 Minute Gameplay Video

This video is showcasing just a few of the features that I’ve been/is working on, the crafting system, looting system and the new building system. I decided to discard the old building system and started working on a new one from scratch, more in the style of “The Forest”, rather than building block-by-block, since I feel this suits my game better.

It also shows off some of the weather effects and systems in place, while it’s still a work in progress I’m starting to get closer to what I want the game to feel like, the atmosphere of a game is extremely important in my opinion, I’m not there yet, but slowly getting there.

I know visuals are important, the animations and transitions between animations are choppy, but this is something I will work on at in a later state, I feel that functionality and mechanics are a lot more important to get right before fine tuning other things.

Man’s Best Friend

This is a short showcase of the in game pet system that will be used, even if you decide to play the game by yourself and not with a friend, I will not leave you all alone! You will have a companion with you to help you scout difficult to see items, points of interests and also aid you in hunting.

I’m not going to spoil all the details, they will come as the game progresses, I hope you enjoy it so far 🙂

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